
The vines are distributed amongst estates within a geographical area that extends over the municipal districts of Fuente de Pedro Naharro, Horcajo de Santiago and Tarancón, all within the province of Cuenca, and over the municipal districts of Cabezamesada and Corral de Almaguer in the province of Toledo.

Although there is little distance between these areas, approximately 30 kilometres, there are subtle differences that allow the acclimatization and the diversification of production according to the distinct characteristics of the soil and of the climate.

The Cuenca region of Baja Alcarria for example, is characterized by fresh, deep soil, high rainfall and marked differences in day/night summer temperature; conditions ideal for mature Tempranillo.

Meanwhile, the region of Mancha Alta of Toledo has deep sandy soil and average rainfall, making this area perfect for other varieties of reds, noted for a low but select production.